He called for the reform of capital gains tax. 他呼吁进行资本收益税改革。
He has climbed down on pledges to reduce capital gains tax. 他已经作出退让,许诺降低资本收益税。
Capital Gains Tax for higher rate taxpayers will go up from midnight to 28%. 高税收纳税者的资本收益税提高到28%。
Embracing a flatter regime ought to mean lower income taxes, rather than a sharply greater capital gains tax. 实行更平的税制,应当意味着降低所得税,而不是大幅提高资本利得税。
These issues include a lack of clarity surrounding how capital gains tax is levied on investments. 其中一个问题是中国没有澄清如何对相关投资所得征收资本利得税。
Leftwing demands to increase the top rate of income tax and abolish tax concessions for foreign non-domiciled residents were ignored and capital gains tax was cut. 对于左翼有关提高所得税最高税率以及废除非英国定居的外国居民税收减免政策的要求,布朗置之不理,同时降低了资本利得税。
The lack of capital gains tax can also be of particular advantage to the active investor, who can make investment decisions without the spectre of this tax colouring their judgment. 对积极型投资者来说,不用交资本利得税可能也是一个特殊优势。他们可以在没有这种税干扰其判断的情况下进行投资决策。
The response was a series of measures, including a capital gains tax and restrictions on foreigners buying property, which resulted in a slow-down in the Shanghai market but not a slump. 对此,政府采取了一系列,包括征收资本利得税和限制外国人购房。这些措施最终使上海市场增速减缓,而没有出现暴跌。
We need a tax structure that encourages long-term investment: so the holding period for an investment to qualify for long-term capital gains tax treatment should be extended to three years, from the current 12 months, and the rate should decline the longer the investment is held. 我们需要建立一种鼓励长期投资的税收结构:因此符合长期资本利得税待遇的投资的持有期应从目前的12个月延长到3年,随着投资持有期的延长,税率应下滑。
Introducing taper relief, which reduces capital gains tax over time, was attractive because of its simplicity: it automatically focused incentives on successful, high growth companies. 英国推出了逐步减少资本利得税的分级扣除税制,其吸引力在于简单易行:它会自动将激励的重点放在成功的高增长企业上。
I had a complete Budget meltdown last year about the move to a single rate of capital gains tax. 上一年度的财政预算案决定开征单一税率的资本利得税,这曾让我彻底崩溃。
For the first time, both a property tax and a capital gains tax are under discussion. 此外,物业税和资本利得税也头一次双双成为讨论议题。
They are used to paying only capital gains tax on carried interest but ought to be paying income tax. 他们习惯于对附带权益只缴纳资本利得税,但他们应该缴纳所得税。
Securities tax systems deal with securities indirect tax, securities investment income tax and securities capital gains tax. 证券税制包含证券流转税、证券投资所得税和证券交易利得税等税种。
Furthermore, low capital gains tax rates make it cheaper to sell assets, thereby helping capital flow more smoothly to its most productive use for the economy. 此外,处于低位的资本利得税率使得出售资产的成本更低,从而帮助资金更顺畅的流动,实现最大的经济效益。
Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings, and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble. 股市对资本收益税和储蓄的减少基本持欢迎态度,而扩张型财政政策缓和了网络泡沫破灭的冲击。
Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises, such as the introduction of progressive profits tax, increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax. 一些反对者也接受增加其它税项,例如引入累进利得税、提高利得税和资产增值税。
Payment for buying bonds, including the payment for tax and fees such as stamp tax and capital gains tax; 买入债券支付的价款,包括支付的印花税、资本利得税等税费;
China typically levies a 10 per cent capital gains tax on restructurings. 中国一般对重组征收10%的资本利得税。
He avoided the capital gains tax by short selling. 他通过短期交易逃避资本增值税。
While I am on the subject of tax, stamp duty and the unbelievably complex rules on capital gains tax both do their bit to reduce the depth and liquidity of the London market. 虽然我说的是收入税,但印花税和复杂得令人难以置信的资本利得税相关规定,也都不利于伦敦市场的深度和流动性。
Research on Designs for the System for China to Adopt Capital Gains Tax on Equity Trading 中国开征股票资本利得税的制度设计研究
They can be crude by restricting trading or banning new investors from the markets or subtle, perhaps by imposing a capital gains tax on share sales. 他们可以正面出击限制股票交易或禁止新投资者入场;也可以采取迂回手段,或许可以对股票出售征收资本利得税。
Equalising the capital gains tax and scrapping the "carried interest" loophole for investment income would also bring political benefits. 将资本利得税均等化,填补投资收入中的“附带权益(carriedinterest)”漏洞,也会带来政治上的好处。
Such payments are free of capital gains tax. 这种支付款项可免交资本收益税。
This is good news for investors who want a new type of income-generating fund, but it also means that the proceeds from selling call options are subject to income tax, whereas before they were subject to capital gains tax. 对于那些希望投资新的收益型基金的投资者来说,这是一条好消息,但它同时也意味着,出售买入期权获得的收益需要缴纳所得税,而此前,它们需要缴纳的是资本利得税。
The capital losses were then transferred to enable Rothmans to avoid capital gains tax. 随后资本损失被转移,使乐富门避免缴纳资本收益税。
Hong Kong does not impose a capital gains tax on property or share-trading profits. 香港并不针对房地产或股票交易利润征收资本增值税。
Almost trebling capital gains tax in the UK would be especially stupid. 把英国的资本利得税率提高几乎两倍,真可谓蠢到家了。